It's like glass
Chihuly or Airigami
I remember, years ago, how I felt when people looked at my work and told me that it was "like" art. Those comments had a huge impact on what I later created. The whole Masterworks series Kelly and I worked on was a direct result of those words.
Here we are, many years later and I loved the comments I kept hearing while taking part in the Museum Association of New York's annual convention. People kept telling me that they saw this glass chandelier at the Memorial Art Gallery that reminded them of our balloons. I admit a certain delight in telling them that what they were seeing was, in fact, balloons.
I guess I've come pretty far since the old days. People are no longer suggesting that Airigami work looks like art. Now they're saying other artists create work that looks like ours.
If you're interested in the origin of the Masterworks series and what I wrote years ago about it, you can find that in this very old blog post.