Online lessons with Airigami
Larry Moss and Kelly Cheatle, the Creative and Artistic Directors of Airigami will be broadcasting from home in this experimental online series. If you have balloons available, you can try stuff at home. If you don't have balloons, don't worry. The artists will make the experience fun by showing examples of how the basics can be applied to make more elaborate sculptures. Come ready with questions and help guide the direction of this interactive, video classroom.
We're developing this series on the fly, during this unusual time while we're all trapped at home. Join us and help shape the way these lessons/shows are presented.
Live streams were taking place on Friday afternoons. We're taking a little break from new classes right now. We had fun with the first five. Now we're going to pause and wait to hear from some of you about what you want us to do when we return.
Past sessions are in the playlist below.
When we schedule new ones, we'll post it here, send it out to our mailing list, and share the info on facebook.
Please support our efforts
If you like what we’re doing, we’d love for you to help fund the effort. There are a few ways to do this. You can become a supporter through our Patreon page, make a one-time contribution via PayPal, or purchase supplies, like a beginner balloon twisting kit from the Airigami shop.
Thanks for your support!
Past sessions can be found here.